Boxing for Parkinson's in kck
Fight Back Against PD at RSB KCK
Rock Steady Boxing Kansas City, Kansas is the newest addition to the PEWC's offerings. Our trainers are certified and highly experienced in leading Rock Steady Boxing classes, with the aim to improve the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease and slow its progression. Rock Steady Boxing, the first boxing program of its kind in the country, was founded in 2006 by former Marion County (Indiana) Prosecutor, Scott C. Newman, who is living with Parkinson’s.
Rock Steady Boxing draws from boxing drills to provide you with rigorous exercise that addresses your symptoms. This includes conditioning you for better balance, coordination, endurance, and stability to defend against Parkinson’s Disease. Read more about Rock Steady’s conception and efficacy at
Class Offerings
We currently offer four one-hour classes each week at our RSB KCK affiliate. Located at the Police Athletic League of KCK, this program is perfect those with Parkinson's Disease living in Kansas City.
Whether you are recently diagnosed or have lived with PD for years, this program will address your symptoms and fight to slow the progression of your PD. Please give us a call at (913) 276-4665, email us at or visit RSB KCK to get started today!